Mobile Device Asset Management Blog by Goodly Cloud

Learn how IT teams can manage assets assigned to multiple departments or organizations from one dashboard

Written by Goodly Cloud - IT Leaders | Oct 16, 2023 6:55:50 PM

In today's business landscape, it has become increasingly common for companies to rely on sub-contractors or affiliated companies to deliver services on their behalf. This strategic approach allows companies to tap into specialized expertise or resources that may not be readily available in-house. When entering into such partnerships, companies often provide a comprehensive package consisting of both hardware and software solutions to these contracted organizations.

Traditionally, Mobile Devices Management (MDM) tools have done a good job managing the software and policies loaded on individual devices. However, there is no one-size-fits-all standard when it comes to managing the physical devices.

Without a simple tool to solve this problem, companies end up relying on "account or relationship managers" to fill the gap. Over time, these relationship managers end up acting as support agents - doing their best to create a bridge between IT and operations (which in this case, may not even be internal).

Why is this happening?

In many cases, legacy solutions that incorporate asset lifecycle management (such as IT Asset Management or IT Service Management software) were designed to help internal stakeholders.

How is Goodly Cloud different?

Goodly Cloud was designed to help teams manage the lifecycle of distributed assets:

  • Physically distributed: The location of assets varies; it can even move from one location to another based on operational requirements. This applies to various scenarios such as: field workers, work from anywhere, many locations supported by a centralized IT team, etc...

  • Distributed across different companies: Assets are assigned to various companies (either subsidiaries or sub-contractors) who need the assets to perform their work.

  • Different agreements: Similar assets are sometimes supported by very different support agreements. Lack of visibility on those different support levels is a liability that many organizations can't measure accurately.

With Goodly Cloud, IT teams can manage the lifecycle of assets across the various business units or companies they are supporting:

On the other hand, users within those other organizations only see devices they are responsible for:

In conclusion, Goodly Cloud offers a unique solution to the challenges faced by IT teams managing distributed assets across various organizations. By providing a platform that can track the lifecycle of assets in physically diverse locations and assign them to different companies, Goodly Cloud enables efficient management and visibility. This eliminates the need for intermediaries between IT and operations, ultimately streamlining processes and improving productivity. If you are an IT professional looking for a comprehensive asset management solution for your distributed assets, let us know!